I've just finished editing and putting online two videos of riding in Bishop this past October. The videos were filmed with my new GoPro Hero Black 7 attached to my handlebars, with no further post-processing image stabilization. The built-in stabilization that the Hero 7 provides is amazing! You almost feel like you're flying on a magic carpet.
The two videos are of the Papoose ride. I broke it into the 'shuttle' that gets you to the start of the ride (since that's an experience on it's own - beware the dust pits!) and then the Papoose ride that starts on Death Valley Road.
Shuttle video:
Papoose video:
The other rider in the videos is Don Sisting.
It takes quite a bit of time to edit these to make the final video, but eventually I'll post more of the other rides we did.
- Steve