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Trail Rides, DS, Camping - Social Rides Trail.Camp

ISDE Qualifier Camp out / course lay out in Ridgec...
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Here's my exact gps location

35°34'15.3"N 117°32'41.4"W,-117.544827&entry=gps

Exact camp location

Left in trona

2.8 miles right into wagon wheel. 

.2 stay center towards right bathroom

.3 cross gasline. 

.1 on the left

Howdy all!

In town and going to be out at Ridgecrest, Ca this weekend March 17-20 to help Prospectors MC and Desert MC to work their event this weekend.

I have let them know that I will be there with my dad at minimum and some club people might be coming. We will be there to help with anything they need. I'll have my stapler and hammer and bike and be ready to go.

Also we will definitely doing a LOT of riding.

We will be right next to Charlie's Place. Here is a link to the spot in the desert -

I will have an area for us and some arrows point you the way once you get into the dirt area.

Let me know if you have any questions. 805-236-5866.

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