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Fwd: ISSUE 28: Over 1 million acres in ID and OR p...
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From: BlueRibbon Coalition <>
Date: July 14, 2023 at 8:28:54 AM PDT
To: JOHN <>
Subject: ISSUE 28: Over 1 million acres in ID and OR proposed for restrictions
Reply-To: BlueRibbon Coalition <>

 ISSUE 28: Over 1 million acres in ID and OR proposed for restrictions



ISSUE 28 7/13/2023

1,134,292 acres Idaho and Oregon Proposed as Wilderness

Senator Wyden of Oregon has proposed a bill which will designate 1,134,292 acres as Wilderness. This bill would completely restrict motorized and mechanized use in large swaths of the southeastern corner of Oregon and into Idaho. That is larger than the entire state of Rhode Island. This area already sees large amounts of wildfires and restrictive management will only exacerbate this issue. The resources they claim to want to protect are the most threatened because of wildfires.

Known for overlanding, off-roading, single track use and many forms of recreation this bill would be catastrophic to the current and future users and communities of this area.

Let your representatives know that you do now support S. 4860 - The Malheur Community Empowerment for the Owyhee Act

Oppose over one million acres of Wilderness in Eastern Oregon!


Defend Access to the Owyhee Canyons in Southwestern Idaho: Canyonlands East Travel Management Plan Open for Comment

Western Idaho is undergoing travel management, which designates routes in the area of Canyonlands East in Owyhee County. This is the Fossil Butte and Grandview areas. The project area is 815,677 acres. Known for off roading, single track, camping and access to rivers and lakes, the BLM is analyzing the majority of the routes in this area.

The map below is the most restrictive alternative that BLM is proposing, and as you can see from all the red routes on th the map, they could potentially close almost ALL of the non-paved roads in the area. During previous comment periods, recreation users strongly opposed the closures. We need to let the BLM know that our support for keeping this area open hasn’t diminished.

Help us keep the Owyhee Canyons open for all recreation users!

Read Our Full Briefing and Add Your Voice

Our Executive Director Ben Burr and our Policy Directory Simone Griffin, discussed these proposed restrictions in Oregon and Idaho in our latest Defend Your Ground Podcast. Listen below



The National Park Service for Lake Mead National Recreation Area has released an Environmental Assessment (EA) for the Low Water Access Plan. Thousands of comments were submitted at the end of 2022 in opposition to several of the proposed concepts which would have essentially removed all motorized access and recreation infrastructure. The release of the EA shows that the Superintendent is listening to recreation users and BRC appreciates all who have engaged to make our voices heard.

NPS has analyzed 3 alternatives. The preferred alternative, Alternative 1 is what BRC and our members were advocating for throughout the last comment period. We shared our support for allocating funding from emergency appropriations with members of Congress , and we are encouraged to see that maintaining launch ramps and infrastructure is possible due to the funding allocation Lake Mead received.

Alternative 1 will continue current management which is preferred over the other alternatives which would decommission resources and infrastructure, which would limit recreation access.

Although Alternative 1 is the best proposed alternative and a major step in the right direction, BRC is still advocating for a stronger look into providing management solutions which would sustain recreation access in unprecedented water years when water levels drop and explore expanding recreation access where opportunities arise. Please send a letter to the National Park Service below.

Support Lake Mead's Low Water Plan!

Help fight for continued recreation at Lake Mead! Support Alternative 1 for the Low Water Access Plan.



The BlueRibbon Coalition is excited to announce that the following group have recently joined or renewed their membership:

As passionate recreation enthusiasts, these groups understand the importance of fighting for and protecting our public lands and trails for future generations to enjoy. By renewing their support, they are helping to ensure that the BlueRibbon Coalition can continue to advocate for responsible access to our public lands. We are grateful for their ongoing commitment to our mission and look forward to working together to keep the trails open and accessible for all.

Be sure to add us on social media to stay up to date on a daily basis!

BlueRibbon Coalition is a 501c3 non-profit organization. We are able to protect your adventures because of charitable contributions from our members and supporters. Please consider making a sustaining contribution to BRC today!

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