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Trail Rides, DS, Camping - Social Rides Trail.Camp

Big Bear riding Aug 10-14
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I'm going to be riding up at Big Bear from Sunday afternoon Aug 11 to Tuesday afternoon Aug 13, staying at Hanna Flat campground. I'll just be doing easy jeep roads and the like, probably no trails unless they're really easy. If anyone would like to join me, that would be great! I'll be in site 61 in the Hanna Flat Campground. I expect to get a leisurely start in the morning, possibly taking lunch with me, and getting back to the campground in time for afternoon beverages. There is no cell service there, so if you get there and I'm not there, stick a note on my van somewhere where I'll see it.

The weather is forecast to be nice in the high 70's and not mention of thundershowers.

- Steve

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