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Idaho BDR
Adam Casper

if you have not signed up for the Adventure is what you missed today!

This years exciting BDR adventure is IDAHO!

The preliminary start date is July 5th. The 4th is a Sunday so you get family time and the next day we ride. approximately 10 -14 days to complete the trip....4 days travel 2ea there and back, 8-9 on the trail. I'm very exited about this one. Everyone with a 500 or more (650+ recommended) is welcome but you must be self contained, we will be camping and eating off the bike several days in-between restaurants and hotels. Come join us!

I have a scheduled a zoom meeting to see who is interested and / or to answer questions. March 3rd, 7pm.

Adam Casper is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

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Paul Van Zuyle
Awesome, Adam. Apparently I haven't signed up for the adventure forum yet!

I'll be there on Weds at 7 on Zoom to join you, though.


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